Paradisaea & Robots

Sculpture & Maquettes


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 Various (from 5 in. to 15 in.)


Spring 2019


This series documents my development of a moveable sculpture. I first developed paper maquettes, and then I decided to use found objects to make a sculpture called “Paradisaea” (the genus for “birds of paradise”). By challenging myself to use those found objects as my materials, I made a work that represents my affection for both Art Nouveau and “steampunk” style. Every part of the “Paradisaea” sculpture was formed, cut, and carved carefully in order to make the work stable, movable, and durable. The enjoyable part was adding more found objects onto the piece while keeping it balanced in order to amplify my idea of “maximalism.” I plan to make more of these objects and complete my stop motion video of them in the very near future.

Published on September 28, 2019 at 12:49 pm