Hungry Soul II
A 1965-Japanese movie directed by Yuzo Kawashima. 全国的に大好評を博した日本経済新聞連載小説、全国民放三十局連続放送劇を映画化した愛欲メロドラマ巨篇。
GrafikManiak2022-07-29T02:19:44-04:00Saturday, March 14th, 2020 | 9:53 PM|Categories: Movies|Tags: black and white, classic, japanese, movie, Yuzo Kawashima, 飢える魂|
A 1965-Japanese movie directed by Yuzo Kawashima. 全国的に大好評を博した日本経済新聞連載小説、全国民放三十局連続放送劇を映画化した愛欲メロドラマ巨篇。
GrafikManiak2022-07-29T02:27:10-04:00Wednesday, December 25th, 2019 | 5:20 AM|Categories: Movies|Tags: 4k, classic movie, digital restoration, director cut, film, movie, Robby Müller, Solveig Dommartin, Wim Wenders|
Until the End of the World was conceived as the ultimate road movie, this decades-in-the-making science-fiction epic from Wim Wenders.